Mourning is very private, but the author feels the need to put it into poetry. In so doing she hopes that she can help others during their grieving process with these verses that could never be expressed in any other way.
Want to relax and enjoy an extended Ocean cruise without leaving your recliner?
Marie Jose Temmink captures her travel experiences and observations with poetry at its best. She uses short poems to describe the voyage, the port, the cities and the people.
Want to relax and enjoy travel experiences and not leave your recliner? Marie Jose Temmink captures her travel experiences and observations with poetry.

“OUR DUTCH MASTER” chronicles the life of FRANS VERSCHOOR through his paintings.
Marie Jose Temmink adds to this with a touch of poetry. The result is a beautiful display of an artist’s life and his art.
Travel with the author as she visits seaports along the East Coast of South America.
Full color pictures accompany her poems that depict each port and the seas between.
The following books can be downloaded:
Anny Derks Keijsers 1926-2009 – Memory of my sisterFull color pictures and diary entries related to my sister.