Woman Relationships


Some woman’s relationships have always fascinated me…
And with some of their behavior…I do not agree.

Many times I have heard and seen…
What they say or do is very mean.

They are nice in someone’s face…
But talk behind their back in disgrace.

Their jealousy they cannot control…
It harbors in their soul.

It seems the older some woman get…
More and more they seem to fret…

About the chances they missed
And what not they fulfilled on their bucket list.

Instead of being happy for the ones that did…
And keeping their envious comments under a lid

It seems for some continuously appealing…
To hurt someone’s feeling.

Many woman choose friends that did not accomplish much
Because they hold a grudge

Against the ones that did excel
And to whom they cannot relate very well

Don’t expect them to give credit where credit is due
And don’t adhere value to their view

Have no remorse
Consider the source.

Your hard earned success
Was not intended to impress

You worked to make a living…
To not depend on someone’s giving

U do not owe an apology
For their animosity.

It is better to stay away…
And continue on your merry way