When I Was 21


I was allowed to date..
Did not want to gain weight.

I had a license to drive my Vespa…
And between shifts little time for a siesta.
When I was 21
I went on my first foreign travel…
And spend hours with friends to babble.

I had not much money to spend…
But always time for coffee with a friend.

Not always agreed with interpretations…
But tried to keep good relations.

Not always could pursue my own priority…
Had to obey the ones with authority

Eating out I did not do…
Dorm food was palatable to chew.
When I was 21
I accepted discipline…
And was often reminded not to sin.

I was eager to learn…
Knowing that soon…my own living I had to earn.

Never felt crappy
And did not rely on others to make me happy.

The phone…
rang with only one tone.

It was considered abuse…
If we used it for personal use.

Without fail
We communicated via mail.

E mail was not invented yet…
And an I pad no one could get !
When I was 21
I had a passion…
For what was in fashion.

I bought quality…
Over quantity.

Had no debt…
Credit cards did not exist yet.

Never experienced financial sorrow…
Because I did not borrow.

A private car I did not have
But that did not make me sad.

I traveled by train bus or bike
Which I did not dislike.

It was my duty…
To attend church more often then to see a movie

Cruising or flying I knew…
was only for the well to do.

I wrote everything by hand and pen…
Had no computer back then

I could not talk…laugh or gripe
Via Skype.

I was not alone …
Not having a cell phone

But as you can tell
I managed quit well

Before my 21st year was over I danced one evening till dawn
When I met my future husband John