Water Aerobics


I took to it like fish…
Because of my wish…

One thing I hope to gain…
And that is…to be free of pain.

Daily I attend
And for one hour I jump and bend.
Water Aerobics
It is amazing what in water I can do
While my body feels like new.

But when I get out of the water…reality hits
Because it is truly the pits…

Not to be able to maneuver the steps
And accept…this may be as good as it gets.

I feel the signs of aging…
And that my body is changing.

I cannot come to grips…
With the pain in my hips.

I like to shed the boulders…
I seem to carry on my shoulders.

But for one hour daily I can be…
Pain free.

And I hope as time goes on
My aches and pain will be gone.