

As For myself
I know who to vote for in 2012

I have lived in this country since 1964
And was not able to vote before

I lived here as a permanent resident and welcome guest
But did not feel as the rest

I always believed only the ones born in this land
Should have had the right to shape this country to their majority hand

But with only a two party group
Changing the guards every four years reminds me of a coup

A third party creation seems to become a must
As the two we have many constituents no longer trust

After listening to months of campaign lies
I hear more and more people wonder if it is wise

To waste their time on the politicians views
As nothing that is said is news

Most politicians are not interested in the publics input at al
It is all geared to them staying in office and keeping control

For over 200 years this country has been on a fast forward track
However we now seem to go very fast back

The opportunities, that existed in the past
Unfortunately seem doomed to last

But this nation
is still the best place on earths creation

Unfortunately the politicians that have been elected to lead
Seem more concerned about their benefits then everyone’s need
No different then dictators that wanted it all
And forced many countries to fall

Dictators pursue their dreams for thousand of years
Ignoring bloodshed and tears

Our salvation is a new coach
With a common sense approach

One who has the solution
To restore the constitution

A place were we can work ,play and give
And together with dignity in harmony we can live

If this is the future you want for all
Vote for the right person this fall

Do you think the last four years have been a success
Did you gain more or end up with less.?

If a change in direction
Is your desire and expection

Get on the road
Share your views and vote

I am proud to voice
I have made my choice