

At seven am we cruised for miles between tall buildings cranes and docks,
In sunny weather, no snow, but cold enough to wear socks.

Mount Fiji is still far away,
But its symmetrical snow topped cone was visible today.

People believe the mountain is sacred and there is an entrance there
To another world out some where

We were welcomed with a ruffling drum sound,
And photographers all around.

And before we went on shore,
There were a view tips for the ones that had not been here before.

Suma wrestlers can weight up to 550 pounds,
Do not be surprised if you see them walking around

Slurping sounds while eating are allowed,
Even when you do it out loud.

And after you enjoy a meal you can say at least
“Yachisa-sama deshita” it was a real feast!

People greet, say good bye or pay respect with a bow,
Some with a nod , others with their head very low.

In this city Frans and I would have felt apprehensive
Since holding hands in public is considered offensive,

Tea seems no longer the drink for some to like the best
As they import 85% of the Jamaican coffee for the rest.

The bus was designed for tiny people, with a personal ash tray,
But also here one can no longer freely puff away

A serious city in business dress and many with a mask on their face
To prevent getting from or blowing germs into space.

A city with the same size people, dressing dark, many woman wearing Uggs
But no empty stores, beggars, trash, gravity or signs of drugs.

Destroyed in WW2 for more then 50%
Makes one realize how their time is spend.

We reached the top of Tokyo tower that is higher then the Eifel Tower in France
Now the Tokyo Tree at double the height will open in May for even a more far away glance

In this remarkable city we were shown a lot in a short time,
With a good guide and a chauffer that drove just fine

For the tourist no internet access in this city,
Decisions from authorities but a real pity

But by phone I was able to reach,
My daughters and a friend in Long Beach.

In the evening we sailed away,
From this gigantic, serious, clean and serene city on its own bay

In Tokyo I had never been,
But I am thankful for what I have seen

Even though it was only a glimpse of what is here that I saw today,
But I leave with memories I did not have yesterday.