This time of year without knowing why…
One’s mood can plunge from being up high
But we know the reason…
It is the holiday season!
The season to reflect on peace and serenity…
Seems to have no more identity
We no longer have a stake
In this season of fake.
Christmas has become a different story…
Thru all the glitch and glory.
People for some time already have sworn
It’s no more about Christ that was born .
It’s about selling junk
By the trunk.
Stuff we do not need.
Advertisers with greed
Create a stampede.
But let our focus …
not be on the hocus pocus.
Try to remember….
The real celebration of the 25th of December
And again be awed …
About the birth of the son of God.
This year again select
To only reflect
On the real reason
Of this season.