Thanksgiving 2016


A celebration as a “day of giving thanks”…
By people of all religions…color and ranks.

Thru the centuries and today…
We count our blessings and pray.

One day for us  to stop and think…
About our blessings and food we had to eat and drink. 

A day to gather with family and friends …
Eat drink and be jolly to no ends. 
Thanksgiving 2016

A day to remember history…
And realize the future remains a mystery.

Like it has been for generations before…
Who have survived hardship and war.

Whatever is our current demise… 
Let’s not agonize.

But focus on the good 
Like we were taught we should. 

Like the pilgrims did that first year…
Let’s again celebrate with thanks and cheer

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone
Hope…all the turkeys …are well done!