

Ever so slowly the red glow appears across the sea,
This view from my bedroom window is only visible by me.
I treasure this glorious way,
Of the beginning of each day.

 In  the past I have learned no matter what my concern,
Any previous day will not return.
And my departed loved ones and family,
Can only remain in my mind as a memory.
And I would not be very wise,
If I believed  for sure  the sun again tomorrow will rise.
But for today the sun is here,
With many possibilities that are clear.
While I seem to hear a voice,
That tells me I have a choice.
To be and see everything very negative,
Or tell myself I will be positive.
I choose the latter and will do my best,
To live this day with renewed zest.
And be thankful for this glorious morning,
That helps me deal with my mourning.
I accept the past is gone, the future unclear
But I have a chance to make the best of this day that is here.