Early in this week… during our morning walk exercise…
We came upon a pleasant surprise…
Some Special Olympic Summer games were held in Long Beach…
Behind our condo within walking reach…
The competition was during the day…
On Alamitos Bay.
Beach Volleyball…Half Marathon…
And Triathlon
And from the beginning…
The open water swimming…
I could view on the beach below…
Through my living room window.
It is the biggest sports event on our shore…
Since the Olympics in L.A. in 1984
Including 70 from Holland… 6500 athletes with intellectual disabilities…
Represented 167 countries.
And tried to overcome barriers thru sports…
Of all sorts.
These athletes are to be commended…
For the effort they expanded…
To compete…
In the California heat .
And while we walked today…
We stopped to observe the start of the last competition on this bay