Sleepless Nights


Sleepless nights has become the norm…
Some daily activities I can no longer perform

Medication is against my will…
But last night I took a sleeping pill.

Now here I sit… Just me…
Like a zombie…

Up for the fourth time during this night…
and it is not even close to seeing morning light…

Usually during this time…
I have enough energy to rhyme.

But my thoughts today…
Seem to wander away…

Not to a particular place ….
I just sit here and stare into space.

The pain prevents me from sleeping ..
My body feels like it has had a beating.
Sleepless Nights
The older I get…
The more miserable I am in bed.

I toss and turn…
While for a long sleep I yearn .

My body is ailing…
Hope that also my brain does not start failing?

This slow decline…
Robs all the energy of mine.