

My daughter who lives in Arizona
Invited me to start 2014 in Sedona.

On 12-29 we arrived at 3 o clock
To spend the rest of the year between red rock.

This unchanged view for a billion years…
Can bring any human to tears.

While remaining at awe
Experiencing a draw…

To stay between this red dirt.
Indeed a very unique place on earth.

I truly feel blessed
And would never have guessed

I would like to be here alone
In a home without a phone

But my facial nerve anatomy
Prevents me of going on a hike with the rest of the family

But there are no blues to chase
While behind glass I feel the warm sun on my face

Many birds seem to show sympathy
Trying to keep me company

While I treasure the time
To sit here and rhyme

For a few days vacation
Amidst this red rock creation

I am glad to be here
With my family to ring in the new year