There is no one to blame,
But my Saturday evenings are no longer the same.
It is quit around the house
Because there are no footsteps of my spouse.
His conversation I miss,
Being with him was pure bliss.
We had dinner out or I prepared a home cooked meal
But being in the kitchen has lost its appeal.
With this sweetheart of mine
I used to drink glass of wine,
Before and with dinner
And his selection was always a winner.
I used to light the candles and set the mood
And together enjoy my gourmet food.
The excuse might sound lame
But the wine no longer tastes the same.
I now eat while watching the news
Witch often triggers the blues.
He never ended a meal without a fraise
Of compliments and praise.
We were content just being together
Yes Saturday night used to be better.
But I won’t allow the night to be crappy
Thinking of him makes me again happy,
And with water in my wineglass I toast,
My ever present loving ghost.
I have selected,
spiritually to stay connected.
Mentally he has not left me behind
Because I still see and hear his voice in my mind
This evening will come again to an end
Even though my heart will never mend.
Yes Saturday evenings will never be the same
But making the best of it is my aim.