The sun comes out…
From behind a cloud.
One of the many that glide by,
High up in the sky.
And we hope not to burn
Sitting on Queen Mary 2 stern.
The horizon remains as straight as can be,
Without a ripple in this sea.
And as far as I can see out there….
There is no sign of life at sea or in the air.
We memorized the people that perished 101 years ago on the Titanic,
But we were assured today there is no need for panic.
As a shipwreck we do not need to expect,
Because on board is this ships architect.
Who this morning gave a rendition,
That this vessel will withstand any weather condition.
He told about the Q.E. 2, that burned in Hong Kong harbor in 1972,
And I remember Gerard and I in the same year had a close up view.
But on this majestic ship I won’t worry… I can’t,
Even if it takes four more days before again we see land.
Right now for me….
I cannot think of a place I would rather be.