Years ago…
I met Jacky Beccacio.
I am glad that in 1999, she could be…
At Frans and my wedding at sea.
To many people she was very dear…
As wife-mother grand and great grandmother -friend and volunteer.
Jacky had her share…
Of no longer being aware.
In her later years her mind was in a cloud
No longer did she remember what it was all about.
But we have to have no fear…
Her mind again became very clear.
When she entered with deep faith…
thru the Pearly Gate.
The welcoming celebration…
Was beyond her imagination.
She arrived in the best place there is…
And will enjoy eternal bliss.
Death for Jacky came as a relief…
Remember that…when you grieve.
Jacky’s life has been worthwhile…
Everyone…will remember her smile.