

Discovered in 1502
By Columbus and his crew.

There was no gain…
‘Til 1821 when they became independent from Spain.

Compared to other Latin America entities…
They have maintained peace for almost six centuries.

We started with a scenic morning ride
With a well informed guide.

Who was proud to share….
How much the people care..

To live with ease
While keeping peace.

We had a chance …
Of seeing children dance.

Families gather in the park…
‘Til dark.

On the plaza
Of Esparza.

In Costa Rica…
A man is called Tico and a woman Tica.

And they have no reason to be annoyed…
Only four percent are unemployed.

Computer chips is the biggest industry
Since the eighties Intel is a well known entity.

They grow coffee, sugar and bananas…
And are used to living with monkeys and iguanas.

They use their hands…
To harvest a large variety of fruits and plants.

It rains often and a lot
But complain they do not.

They have many earthquakes and many volcanoes
Of which six are active everyone knows.

We enjoyed this visit
To experience the Costa Rica spirit.