- My Life In Rhyme - https://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


At 9am in Puerto Vallarta we docked,
Not having noticed the ship ever rocked.

It is my sixth time here,
And wished also Frans was this time near.

He worked in this town to promote it worldwide,
And bring tourists to see this beautiful sight.

He negotiated with the upcoming cruising industry,
To add this paradise to their itinerary.

His career here did not last long,
As his desire for his children to have a European education remained strong,

But Mexico was the land he loved the most,
Could his spirit also remain here as a ghost?

It is great, on this balcony, to feel this tropical air,
While thinking his spirit might still be out there.

With a taxi to town to walk the Malaccan along the sea,
With interesting sights, sculptures and people to see.

At a prime table with a view,
We enjoyed salsa and a local brew

Not all of us could come to town,
As a previous knee injury kept someone down.

Two in our group dared a jungle trek,
We were glad they returned without breaking their neck.

We enjoyed Mariachis on board the ship,
Then the boys had a dip

In the pool
That kept them cool

Along with the double ice cream cone
Which they do not get at home.

Dinner was pleasant and had a good taste
And again it was leisurely without haste,

It was dark when we sailed out of the bay
Thankful for another beautiful day.

And Fran’s spirit again was very kind,
As he did not stay behind.