Two days at sea to sail back to Long Beach,
Along Baja California which is almost close enough to reach.
The white sandy dunes,
While hearing the tunes,
Of waves in this aqua-colored sea,
While sitting on the balcony with Daphne.
High tea,
Was served at three.
It is nice to spend
This quiet, minimally-attended, quality event
With my family on this ship,
While exotic and delicious tea we sip.
Another gala and a lovely sight,
Of everyone dressed well tonight.
Some ignored the dress code as required,
But were not allowed to dine where they desired.
The Latin America show had spirit,
And the dancers seemed to have no limit.
The boys swayed and clapped along,
And tried to mimic every song.
My plan had been to look at the approaching home from shore,
But awoke when we sailed no more.
We were already docked in place,
In Long Beach in an early morning foggy haze.
We all, after good-bye’s, traveled back to our own home.
But I did not go home alone –
My grandson Ethan will be my guest,
To have another week of vacation and rest.
Then off to Junior High is a must,
On the eighth of August.
Too fast, it is all coming to an end,
But these past weeks could not have been better spent.
We plan to cruise again –
It is just a matter of when.