Puerto Quepos


Early on this sunny day…
We reached this tropical inlet midway…

Down the coast in Costa Rica…
With a feeling to shout… Eureka!

Beautiful coastline with high waves…
A surfing paradise for the braves.

Puerto Quepos, a quint little town, with palm groves as far as one can see…
And were the Rain Forest meets the sea.

Costa Rico…they say is a peaceful place…
And for everyone there is much space.

This Country is politically stable and has no Department of Defense…
But provides that money for mandatory educational expense.

The natives call themselves Tica or Tico
And often say ‘Pura Vida” “No problem or awesome” as they go
Puerto Quepos
We rode above the Rainforest tree tops-with stunning views-in an Arial tram
And had hoped to see a monkey, poison dart frog or macaw traffic jam.

We had a local cuisine lunch in this lush jungle paradise…
Of chicken, pasta, fruit and beans and rice

Costa Rica, is still desirable by foreign retirees..
But construction has slowed down from companies overseas

Intel is outsourcing to cheaper labor markets which is not surprising
But it causes the local unemployment rate to be rising

I was also in Costa Rica in March 2014
And again I enjoyed this Country…Soo…Magical …and Serene.