Many friends tell me they are praying for me.
I thank all of thee.

As the poison of many a pill,
With each one the power to kill,

Are slowly leaving my entire being
And allow me to return to a normal feeling,

I am regaining the ability
To avoid entering a care facility.

Seven months, my life has been on hold,
Following the regime I was told.

I have experienced first hand –
Medications is big business in this land.

Upon more than one doctor’s persistence,
I was loosing my normal existence.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a rare condition
That sometimes goes in remission.

Surgery is hit and miss –
The outcome never bliss.

It has been two years since the last attack –
No medication can prevent it from coming back.

The nasty side effects of pills no one can endure,
Praying might be the only cure.

I am learning to cope, reinforcing my thoughts for hope.
With support, love, and prayers, I hope this condition

Will soon again
Go again into remission

And allow me another span
To live as good as I can.