- My Life In Rhyme - https://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


Piet would not have elected
To leave suddenly and unexpected.

But before daylight…
You found Piet had slipped away sometime during the night.

Your call made me more then sad…
Piet was the last Verschoor brother in law I had.

And I wonder why…
People die without a chance for us to say goodbye.

Just as I did not expect
Not to be able to be there and pay my last respect.

But I elect not to be sad,
But rejoice for the time on earth with Piet I had.

Victor, you will be able to tolerate the departing pain
Knowing his life was not in vain.

For perfection Piet had a drive
His whole life.
His interior design…
Was better then fine.

He was a host…
Better then most.

A partner always true
To you

Victor you will be strong to endure
The future for sure.

And on days you feel blue…
It is all the precious memories that will carry you thru.

Because in your mind Piet can appear
As often as you want him near.

His spirit will help you to be strong
On your own, before long.