Patsy, when you married Robert Keyser you probably had not heard much…
About the family of his Father that was Dutch.
It was my Dad who visited me often in California in the early seventies that insisted…
We trace every name Keyser that was listed.
He had lost contact with his younger brother…
And had forgotten the name of Roberts Mother.
He always did expect…
That someday with his brothers family we would re-connect.
It was of course a happy day
When some one in Carolina did say…
While my Dad smiled happily
“Yes you have reached the Keyser family”
We made a plan…
For you to fly to Holland and meet the entre Keijsers clan
By the time in 1977 the families met teary eyed…
My Dad unfortunately had died.
But the family had reconnected….
Like he always had expected.
Patsy I appreciate your hospitality
Which you often offered (and still do) to me and my family.
I enjoy our phone conversations
Discussing family generations.
Your are full of ambition
And always have a positive disposition.
Patsy, I am elated
That we are related
I hope you don’t ever change gears
But together with Bob enjoy many more happy years