Twice in the emergency room this week-end
That is how my past week -end went.
I literally fell apart…
The pain was of the chart.
I experienced a sudden case
Of Electric shocks in my face.
Trigeminal Neuralgia of which the cause is unknown
Brings one to his knees with more noise then just groan.
Unrelenting electric like explosions that did not stop
Causing me to uncontrollable scream and sob.
Now I have no energy
I am as miserable as can be.
Being alone…I fear
Glad Daphne is here
Hope the medication will soon take effect
While wondering if ever I will adep…t
To this unpredictable unrelenting pain
That feels like you are going insane.
The medication make me drowsy and sleepy while I experience
anticipatory anxiety
Trying to cope with this calamity
In the future I do not want to see
I am scared of what It will be