All day…starting at dawn…
My talent to rhyme seems gone.
I have less time to be inspired…
From being tired.
Stories from the past…
That I seem to forget again fast.
I am trying again to be alone
In my home.
I seem to be more able…
and walk again more stable.
If it was not for enjoying the view…
I would not know what all day to do.
I considered a retirement home,
But for now, would rather remain in my home.
The phone has become my friend…
Today, four hours with it in my hand, I spend.
And I learned I am not coping alone,
Spending time alone in my home.
We learn from each other,
Reminding each other we live better than our grandmother.
We give each other points
To deal with aging joints.
We recall jokes
And build up hopes.
We will never be alone
As long as we can afford using the phone.