By the time I came out of the crib in 1942
Everything around me was new.
I was tucked in for two years to keep me safe
And on my first peek outside I was not very brave.
No TV- I Pad- IPhone– IPod or- “IWant”
And only with my parents and siblings I had a bond.
The only music I heard was on the radio
Which for two year olds only sounded so so
No Sesame Street- or programs I understood
Just making sure I did not get under anyone’s foot.
By the time I was four…
I knew just a little more.
Preschool or kindergarten in our village did not exist
My education did not start till in first grade I could enlist
But by then the teacher said…
I was far ahead…
Because my brothers and sister would see
That they daily tutored me.
But today’s kids are like adults
Because of the use of “Ithis” or “Ithat” results
They already learn a lot
while sitting on the pot!
The vocabulary that comes across their lips
They learn from moving their fingertips
By the time they are as old as me
Maybe they have developed an “Isee”
And anything they instantly can gain
By manipulating a chip in their brain