- My Life In Rhyme - https://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


I started to rhyme…
During a most difficult time.

This form of expressionism…
For me was a coping mechanism.

I started to write at the end of 2009.
And by now have written seven books in rhyme.

I have published five.
After “Mourning” I continued writing about travel and my life.

I like to share my story.
In all its sorrow and glory.

I do not want to charge a fee.
You can read my poetry for free.

Via my web page without spending a dime.
You can read my Autobiography in Rhyme.

This way more readers can have a look.
Without having to buy a book.

In return and without the stroke of a pen.
Send me a note every now and then

So I can measure
If mjtmylifeinrhyme.com gives you pleasure.