This time in my life I did not plan for…
But I am enjoying it more and more…
Living alone was a concern
Something I had to learn.
But I am pleased to say…
I would currently not want it any other way.
It is a life phase…
That comes with age.
Now I have this time…
To reminisce and rhyme.
About my past
That went by to fast.
I am feeling poetic
And energetic.
I treasure to have this opportunity
In my Beach and Desert Condo community.
I make the best of each day
And hope I can continue this way…
Of not having to complain
Or only talk about sadness and pain.
Because I see around me …that inactivity creates…
Being somber behind mental gates.
It makes sense…
To seek out positive friends.
It is their laughter
I am after.
It will keep me content…
Till the end.