Morbidly Obese


During my travels I was able to observe.
That very obese people have the nerve,

To eat non stop
Till they look as ready to pop.

They are comfortable to voice,
That they are obese by choice.

Because while traveling it is a given,
That they will be wheeled, pushed or driven.

They use their excessive weight,
To be the first thru any gate

No one needs to fuss,
Because they demand the first row in the bus.

And when needed at a wimp,
They will even fake a limb.

They enjoy being obese,
Because they travel with ease.

The best seat, the front row,
There is no problem being very obese and on the go.

There seems to be no motivation to loose weight,
Because when obese you get help and are never late.

The number of people being very fat,
Seem more then we ever had.

Body weight is not measured in the air,
So they fly very comfortable anywhere.

They take as much space as they need,
Even if it is half of someone else’s seat.

Rules for the handicapped I believe in,
But not abuse by the obese at the cost of the ones that are thin.

Luggage while traveling should include body weight
So everyone pays equal for their freight.

It could motivate one to loose
Before their next trip or cruise.