Our second home in the USA we bought in 1971 brand new
Above South Hills Country Club with a “Wow” view.
We were at awe…
With this hillside view home with pool and spa.
We thought it was well worth
To pay the high price for this paradise on earth.
It was a happy day
When we moved to Montezuma Way.
The view in winter would change
And we enjoyed the snow capped San Gabriel Mountain Range.
We added a very cozy sunken pub.
And played golf at West Covina’s South Hills Country Club.
The girls competed for the Club in swimming
And we sat on weekends on the bleachers for cheering.
But their interest turned to riding horses
Which could not be boarded at golf courses!
So we searched for horse property
And bought a lot in Diamond Bar’s “The Country’.
We designed and built our own Country Estate
Behind a gate.
And for the girls’ “horse play”
We sold or lovely home on Montezuma in 1977 and moved away.