Memory Loss


She and her mate,
Both look great.
They feel fit and strong,
But her short term memory is gone.

And between me and you,
Her long term memory to
Therefore in any setting,
She apologizes for forgetting.
Life for them is no longer the same,
He is embarrassed when she keeps asking why I came.
She answers herself and says, but my dear,
I am so glad you are here.
She can still put on a show,
And physically be on the go.
But wherever they go in this land,
He has to hold her hand
Without him being her guide,
She does not know to turn left or right.
He chuckles she can still be a witch
When they play bridge.
She can make a slam out of the blue,
But only after he gives her a clue.
Her day is sleeping till midday,
As there is little more for them to say.
He takes her to lunch every mid afternoon.,
But they are home again soon
To spend the evening watching TV
And count their blessings she can still hear and see
It is heartwarming to see
How happy this couple seems to be.
His only hope is to live longer then she
And for her to enter heaven before he