At 6 pm we left from Long Beach,
Daphne and Ashley drove me to LAX which is within easy reach.
The International Terminal I directed her to,
To find out I was leaving from Terminal two.
But no reason to balk,
As we had a short healthy walk.
Check in was easy but because I had a big heap,
The extra luggage was not cheap.
Then we realized today we would become thinner,
As there was no place to have dinner.
We opted for cake and coffee at Star Bucks instead of a meal,
But had it been available, dinner would have been a better deal.
Daphne was on the phone for a long time,
To resolve a blackberry problem of mine
But she could not finish. It was getting late,
I needed to get to the gate.
I had to be at the gate by nine,
And a grumpy guard told us to move very fast in a very long line.
That only gave time for a quick hug and kiss and off I went,
With a last wave around the bend.
And again I am being seen,
By someone thru a security machine.
I still had to wait for awhile,
And was lucky to change my seat to an isle.
Air New Zealand’ plane was big and clean,
More comfortable then some I have seen.
There were blankets, pillows and good food,
And the flight was very smooth.
An empty seat next to me,
It was better then I had expected it to be.
In 11 and a half hours or on 02-27-2012 I will arrive in Auckland for a new sight,
We jump a day ahead as we cross the International date line during this flight.