The union of a sperm and egg at the start,
Creates we hope another healthy heart.
And we wonder and guess
What will become of this body of flesh.
We want to be healthy,
And may strive to be wealthy.
But the first rule,
Is that we finish school
And learn to make a living
To not focus on receiving but giving.
Never stop learning
To increase your earning.
And in your teens
Start living within your means
Because if at a young age you don’t
For sure when you are older you won’t.
Don’t join or start a cult
When you are a young adult
And wonder why and who
Would ever want a tattoo
Let others be a witness
To your health and fitness
Enjoy life every day
And chase the blues away.
Because you will be amazed
How fast you have aged.
Then travel thru this stage very fast
Because for sure it will not last.
Be thankful and yes sing a song
Because you have lived this long.
Maybe we can expect
To reconnect.
And to not miss
A life after this.