Kiev Day 3


At breakfast we discussed the experiences of yesterday,
And about how Hitler had let everyone astray.

Memories of WW2 that flooded my mind ….
We’re also less then kind.

I shared my memories of the German occupation,
And my village evacuation.

Not pleasant how these years were spend,
But lucky I am able to recall each event.

We attended a lecture about “Present day Ukraine”
And heard about their corrupted government reign.

Also here, there is more then one sign,
Quality of life is on the decline.

We are told the middle class has eroded, which….
Has left 92 % poor and only 8% rich

The handwriting is on the wall,
There is no more money to pay for it all!

The few rich often flee,
From a country where the masses want everything for free.

Governments that take it all from a few,
Should have a clue

That it is only a matter of time,
Before seeing an increase in crime.

Idealism of equal distribution ,
Has not proven to be the solution.

We enjoyed a tour of the enlightening Cossacks museum in open air
With Ukrainian culture and architecture everywhere .

The food at lunch was the best chow,
until now.

We arrived back at the hotel
With more stories to tell.