I tried everything but flunked,
To retrieve the poems on my iPad that appears defunct.
And my computer skills are such
That it does not seem to help very much.
I can understand why people curse,
When things get worse!
The poems of the first two days are lost ….
And not retrievable at any cost!
I remembered way back when,
It was easier using paper and pen.
But lately, I have not used that mode very much,
Because with my iPad, it is easier to stay in touch.
We started the day with a breakfast to please,
That put my nerves again at ease.
The experiences of today’s excursions
Triggered many conversations, with different versions.
A tour of Kiev Percherska Lavra monastery built in 1037, above ground and in a cave,
Where the remains of two monks, that founded and built it, still lay in their grave.
The Chernobyl museum depicted very well
That an atomic catastrophe remains a living hell.
We stopped at the Baby Yar ravine,
Where in September 1941, 33,000 Jews had not foreseen…
That they entered the spot
where they all would be shot.
On the worst one day Holocaust event of the entire war,
An atrocity, we can never forget or ignore.
With help of the locals, this crime was committed by the Nazi’s, we are told,
Who murdered these men, women and children, young and old.
It was chilling,
To think about how evil leaders justify such killing!
And Recognize that such unimaginable hour,
Could be repeated again by the wrong humans in power.
In this country alone, more than 100,000 Jews died,
Because from their enemy, they could not hide!
The worry that the food today,
Could not be called gourmet,
And dinner that was not appetizing to consume,
In a restaurant with no running water in the bathroom,
Seemed foolish, when recognizing, what others in this town had to endure –
And it put our problems in perspective for sure!