

I woke up a few times but then slept late,
and got up half past eight.

I opened the drapes and saw people dressed in red and white
Rolling a big ball on a lawn in the early morning light

They apparently had time to play
On this “Freedom” Holiday

I had no idea what was the name
Of this seemingly relaxed and elegant game.

Breakfast in a beautiful room,
No signs here, of doom and gloom.

A group of woman came in and took a seat –
And I wondered if they would remove their burka to eat.

Maybe they must have had no appetite…
Because they left without a bite.

I waited in the lobby and did not have to guess,
That it was Margaret who got out of the taxi from the Lux Express.

It was great to see a familiar face,
In this foreign place.

We walked to the Wanderers “old Colonial style” club
And caught up with a glass of wine in the outdoor pub

Due to our jet leg the wine had the effect of a night cap,
And before dinner we took a long nap.

Dinner was an African chicken creation
With more wine and good conversation

With long distance help from Evelyn I was able to post on face book,
So all my family and friends can have a look…

And know you are in my thought,
While I travel abroad.