- My Life In Rhyme - https://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


I am calling a “spade a spade”
You are jealous because I have it made.

You cannot accept my success….
Because it causes you stress.

Your behavior is out of place…
And your envious look is edged in your face.

Giving a compliment you cannot…
Because that seems to hurt you a lot.

The only time you seem to care…
Is when I show despair.

But as soon as I recoup…
You again keep me out of the loop.

Because even my coping skill…
Makes you ill.

I am truly sorry for your demise,
But to continue calling you a friend would not be wise.

I wish you happiness and success
But somehow I guess…

When it is not me…
You will find someone else you envy.

There was nothing I could do
jealousy is part of you.

You will never feel at ease
Or have mental peace…

Until you accept the “haves ” the same as the “have not’s”
And pray lots. ..

To be able to give credit where credit is due,
And recognize that my success… did not short change you.