

Between Thailand and India we cruised two days in a calm sea.
In a comfortable stateroom that feels almost like home to me.

And we arrived in former Madras now known as Chennai
And al I can exclaim is “OH, MY!”

I had no expectation,
But this for me was for sure a revelation.

Seven million people roaming around
In trash, bad odor, dusty pot hole roads and noisy sound.

Skeleton Holy cows grazing on hills of trash
Seniors and children begging for cash.

Bathrooms sporadic or obsolete,
As people are seen using the side of the street.

On sandals or bare feet they walk on hot stone or sand
Life has a different dimension in this land

But woman are pretty in their multicolor silk flocks
And children wear pressed uniforms and white socks.

Internet cafes Mac Donald and pizza parlors are busy places
And no longer foreign to the younger faces.

Changes are coming according to our older guide
But she did not divulge it with pride.

It seemed out of place and a bit ironical
That the only manicured ground was the Gandhi Memorial

Engineering and Nursing schools advertise along the road frequently
Maybe some day buildings and public health can be their specialty !

Many Temples they have, and have prayed in for centuries.
But it does not seem to have helped their life qualities

75 percent of marriages are still arranged
And that tradition is also slowly being changed.

It was easy to get back on board,
As we were the only cruise ship in this port.