The name that comes to mind
When you feel pain of more than one kind.

I list mine from top to toe
They all prevent me from being on the go.

Trigeminal neuralgia being the worst
With recurring outburst.

With pain in my left face,
My voice sounds out of place,

Blisters on my tongue,
I never had even when young.

And near
Pain in my ear;

Itching that drives me crazy;
My brain is forgetful and hazy;

A rash on my body in most places
Leaving traces;

My arms bruise with the slightest touch,
While maneuvering my cane or walker as a clutch;

A Boil in my groin
Bigger than a coin.

Morton neuron in my left foot
Prevents me from walking like I should;

Arthritis pain in my rt. hip and knee  
On X rays clearly to see;

Anxiety and depression –
Never before did I feel such aggression;

A full nights rest like before,
I have no more.

I did not ever expect
My problems to be a medication side effect.

A hypochondriac I am not
Everything is real what I have got.

But I have regrets
from taking all these prescribed meds.

I try to keep up my chin…
The withdrawals could have done me in!

All I can now say…
From prescribed medication I will stay away.