Hong Kong


The entrance into the city seemed long,
As we cruised into Hong Kong.

I have been here two times before,
But recognize it no more.

In 1972 it looked mysterious,
In 2004 much more serious.

But now it seems a place,
Out of space.

No where can you see,
And nowhere can you be,

To experience a city that builds this fast,
Majestic buildings designed to last.

Limitations are only in ones mind,
Not in Hong Kong’s buildings of any kind.

The meaning of status quo,
They do not seem to know,

Because within their range ,
The focus is on change.

Bigger, better taller and more
Are the buildings on their shore.

While traveling one leaves behind,
Frivolous matters that can clutter ones mind.

But experience the trill,
To see accomplishments of people that have a will.

And how other souls
Accomplish their goals.

For the second time I visited the Island of Lantau,
No longer a farming community now.

But also a sophisticated city,
And it really is not a pity,

To see the new replace the old,
In a manner that is very bold.

Stanley market, Vitoria Peek and Aberdeen
Still are familiar places I remembered and had seen

And while watching the synchronized evening laser light show
I was sorry that to morrow again we have to go.