This year we met for Thanksgiving…
In a home that is only used part time for living.
We all drove up…
To a beautiful place in Toscana Country Club.
Colette’s second home was the perfect oasis
And her family greeted us with happy faces.
Everyone brought food
That along with wine kept us in a good mood …
In the evening it got chilly…but just a bit-
Soon we were warm after the Tiki lights and outdoor fire was lit.
We enjoyed the conversation and mesmerizing view…
Before taking the group picture like we always do.
Ans got up with her phone to take a shot… but while talking…
Did not see where she was walking…
Soon she felt “cool”
When she ended up in the pool.
But wrapped in a large heated towel she sat close to the fire…
‘Til her cloths came out of the dryer.
Taking the family picture we did not…
After her dive…we all forgot!
But this pleasant day we will not forget…
It was as good as it could get!
And as we all again went our own way
We knew we did not need the group picture to remember this day.