Granddaughter's Visit


Ashley came to stay for a week
And I was able to have a close-up peak…

Into the life.. and how it is spent
By this young student.

She is responsible and kind
And has a studious mind.

She is considerate and sweet
Helpful and neat.

She took to the family archives like glue,
Because much of it, for her, was new.

Never before was there enough time to have looks
Into the 157 books

That depict the history
Of her family.
Granddaughter's visit
We were busy from morning to dark
We explored, drove, sailed and walked in more than one park.

We visited friends and families.
And saw the Reagan and Huntington libraries.

We shopped and ate…
And stayed up till late.
Granddaughter's visit
This once upon a time “my baby”
Has grown into a beautiful young lady.

I often smiled….
While watching in action… dear grandchild

I am as proud as I can be…
Of this grown up grandchild…of me