4 Seasons Of Life


First season of our MORTAL life is in…
The Spring

Morning dew…
Everything soft and new…

Everything grows fast…
But few things last.

It’s a bummer…
That “to” soon it will be summer

And glimmering

It’s essential…
In this season to reach your potential,

Avoid the urge
To splurge.

And take care…

Not to much can be said…
To prepare for a rainy day ahead.

Days that are long an bright…
Allow work from day to night.

Plan and experience the sensation…
Of a well deserved vacation.

Is the best season of them all.

I like to remain in this season
For more then one reason…

I feel mature
And secure

Still having health
And able to enjoy my saved wealth.

The weather…
Does not get better.

Warm Sunny rays…
On many days.

Some days are cold and wet…
But nature looks like a painters palette.

One wonders why…
Trees look colorful before they die.

I dread…
The winter that is ahead.

Cold wet and dark…
But still able to see an occasional spark.

Long evenings to reminisce…
About what life was and still is.

In this Human season we enter the tunnel with the light at the end
Where beyond the last bend…

We hear many prior departed loved ones sing…
Because our IMMORTAL life is about to begin.