Feeling Sick


I never expected or knew,
That I could feel this lousy out of the blue.

I do not have a history of being sick,
But this feeling hit me like a brick,

This week my mood has been deflated,
Because I am constantly dizzy and nauseated.

I am home bound and unstable on my feet,
And feel like my patients did when they were in need.

I first thought it to be the flu,
But after a few days I knew,

That something else is going on,
And in a Doctors office I belong.

I called my health insurance Kaiser,
But the follow up did not make me wiser.

To the ER I was directed
And waited there many hours as expected.

To rule out a stroke is why,
The doctor ordered a brain MRI

And because of my claustrophobic history,
I was given medication to prevent more misery.

The test showed no problem and I was sent home,
Where I live alone.

Because I was diagnosed with vertigo,
I could not drive or be on the go.

In case there was something they missed
I was scheduled to see a hearing specialist.

So, after a week being out of my active routine,
Tomorrow I can be seen.

In the meantime, I quietly sit still and pray,
That he/she can resolve, my living this miserable way.