A bitter conflict that ended in July 1982…
Determined who these Islands belong to.
The Falklands fate…
Was to become a British protectorate since that date.
But the Argentine’s did not agree
And ‘til this date still see…
The “Islas Maldivas” as they call them by name
Are still part of their fame.
Signs are still all around
That landmines are still lying on the ground.
It rained and the wind was bitter cold
Year round the weather is not great we were told.
I wonder why anyone desired this place
Or maybe it was just in case…
They hoped to find oil
In this barren soil.
Nearly 30 years they have been drilling,
3000, people live here and seem willing
To exist here ‘til the end
While belonging to England.
Back on the ship the waves seemed to swell
Contributing… to me not feeling well.