

I have had a look,
At the use of face book..

I even used it a lot,
But continue I might not .

I kept in touch,
But the communication was not much.

At times I was offended
And refused to “like” as they recommended.

I was surprised to see some friend’s taste
And realized using face book was a waste.

I did not want to be interrupted all day long
With some ones liking of a picture or song.

I did not want to see
The pictures of tattooed girls that were sent to me.

Or read everyday
What nonsense some one had to say.

About what they ate or were they went
Or what every body’s post to them meant.

My idea had been to stay in touch
With the ones I do not see much.

There was never a private message to me,
Only what they broadcasted to the world I could see.

I would rather communicate personally with a few
Then be a number in a whole slew.

I do not believe a friend had the intend
To offend

When thru public information, had learned more about a mutual friend
Than what, by Facebook, she was sent.

When she asked me for clarification,
I agreed to ask our friend for verification.

It came as a shocker
That now we both were called a stalker.

We were promptly removed as a friend
And no more information to us was being sent.

It had never been an intent
To offend

But an attempt to make the person be aware
That it is an open book of what they put out there.

The anger was misdirected,
To the one that wanted you to be protected.

But I accept I am longer your Facebook friend
Case closed, the minute I hit send.