The romance between he and she…
Blossomed across the sea.
Outside of the USA they found the spot,
Were they agreed to tie the knot.
The wedding cake was created in that land,
And was obviously made of a mysterious bland…
It was to pretty to eat
And now after 50 years it is as hard as concrete.
The couple toured Europe after they wed
But they had planned well ahead…
Guest would take
The cake
By plane to the USA
Where they mailed it the next day.
To the parents of the bride
Who kept it at their side.
In a frozen state
Awaiting its fate…
The couple settled in the USA
In the San Pedro bay.
They have guarded the cake
That by now looks like fake.
It does take persuasion
To get it out of the fridge for a special occasion.
Their children once collaborated to confiscate the cake
to have it appear at a very special occasion for old times sake
And unknown to the couple they transported the cake in their suitcase
To a very romantic place
Where the family had gathered, and played a game searching around,
And guess what they found…
Eating it they could not!
And again they brought it home and put it in the same spot
And every time they open the refrigerator door
They are reminded of what it was created for
They know their cake can last
Long after they both have passed