Reason for many cheers
Ethan has been on earth more then 12 years.
I grew up with only one way…
Of saying happy birthday.
The only thing we had avail…
Was to send a card by mail.
But regular mail now feels like it is being delivered by a snail
Since we are used to e mail.
Now everyone has a phone
With a personalized ring tone.
And it does not feel odd
To send wishes on your I pod.
Or I could read to you my rhyme
Doing face time.
Or another type
Would be to Skype.
But all this technology is nothing new
For you.
Even before you turned twelve
You could handle all these contraptions by yourself.
While I am doing my best
Keeping up with you and the rest.
I just wander what all you will be told…
Of how to send a greeting when you are old .
Maybe by then there will be a way
To see the other persons brain and know what he wants to say…
But about that I will not be able to rhyme
Because it will be long after my time.
Life will change bit by bit
And be faster then I ever knew it.
But today what I want to covey
Is an old fashioned written “happy birthday”