It is a sad day

We listened to the presidential election too long
And unfortunately the outcome is wrong.

4 more years of the same is no solution
To bring change to the Washington DC institution .

With the majority vote, I am not impressed.
The future is bleak at best.

But the majority seems to think differently,
And believes in Obama apparently

They know he supports getting things for free.
That they take away from the ones that work for a fee.

The American dream is at risk,
The production no longer brisk

More people are comfortable getting things for free
And have no scruples taking it away from you and me.

But soon that resource will no longer exist,
And we all will subsist.

And when the goose that laid the golden egg is dead,
I hope they remember what Romney said.

You had a choice
To listen to his voice.

Had you voted for him,
The future of America might not be so grim.