Early 5th Birthday


Wet “n” wild…
A fun park for every child.

A place for young and old to cool their limbs
On a hot day in Palm Springs.

It is 109 degrees
Without a breeze
Early 5th Birthday
The humidity very high
No chance even OUT of the water to stay dry.

A very colorful “wet” place
With much open space.

Of water the boys are no longer afraid
As they barely had time for lunch in the shade.
Early 5th Birthday
It was clear…
They enjoyed my gift for starting their fifth year,

This morning their older brother Ethan had been very ambitious…
The cakes he created for Connor and Ryan were delicious.

The day ended to soon and left a memorable mark
As they enjoyed their sparkling birthday cards in the dark

While I was often told…
“On Tuesday we will be five years old”