Big Pharma


Drugs is the biggest industry in the USA,
Because most people swallow them everyday.

The industry has made big gains,
Because of brain washing advertising campaigns.

There is a pill for every need,
That works with a blinding speed.

To get well,
And make you feel swell.

No need to suffer
Just take a buffer

And just in case it has no effect
Or does not do what you expect

Or you get sicker then ever before
And really can take it no more

You can join a class action suit
And get a promise to get a fraction of a small loot

It seems no generation before in history
Has felt this much pain and misery.

We are reminded all day long what could hurt
The push for drugs has become absurd

We used to have Thrifty drug store No more
Now you can buy drugs in almost every store.

But beware and do not believe
Buying these chemicals will give you relief

The drug industry promotes for their gain
And reminds you to feel every little pain

But these expensive chemicals
Are poison and no essentials

So endure a little ache or pain
Treat your body well and halt the obscene drug industry gain